First Glimpse at Kermit’s Retrieval Trick
Finally got to showcase Kermit, my Senegal Parrot’s first prop trick, the Kermit’s Retrieval Trick. Compared to Kiki, Kermit took a longer time to understand and master the trick, but he didn’t disappoint me in the end.
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Tags: Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Clicker, Clicker Training, Companion Parrot, Kermit, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird, Poicephalus, Senegal Parrot, Target Training
Kiki’s back again with her new trick. Although it is not possible for Kiki to drive a car, but I’ve managed to teach her how to pull a car instead.
It’s definitely fun watching her so into doing this. It’s like Kiki cruising around with her own Formula 1 Race car.
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird
After so long, I finally manage to upload to YouTube and share with everyone Kiki’s Cups Stacking Trick. That’s definitely a long wait, but hope this is a worthwhile one and everyone should enjoy watching the trick performance.
It’s fairly simple trick for Kiki. There isn’t much difficulty for her to understand the whole sequence and master the whole trick.
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird
Kermit’s First Basic Tricks Collection
After weeks of training with the help of the clicker, I’m able to get Kermit to perform several different kind of basic tricks. It’s a great improvement and I’m totally delighted!
Well, I didn’t expect Kermit to be like Kiki to be an ultimate performer in the future. I just hope with the introduction of trick training will help solving some of the behavior issues that start to surface as Kermit matures through his developmental stage.
The following command and tricks that Kermit performed in the video are:
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Tags: Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Clicker, Clicker Training, Companion Parrot, Kermit, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird, Poicephalus, Senegal Parrot, Target Training
Kiki’s Basic T-Stand Tricks Collection
I decided to conduct a Simple Revision Test on all the Basic T-Stand Tricks that Kiki has learned. I got my brother to capture the revision test and compile it into a tricks collection. The collection includes Kiki performing:
1. Hand-Shaking Trick
2. Waving Hello Trick
3. Wing Flapping Trick
4. Turn-A-Round Trick
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird
Lately, I have been moving on introducing real basic tricks to Kiki. Earlier on was the “Through the Hoop” trick and now the Bell trick. I just don’t want to make things hard for Kiki, but still let her constantly learning new things and enjoying the moments with me. The thought of bell trick recently just come across in my mind, when I was packing Kiki’s extra toys and spotted this untouched little bell in a plastic box.
It’s a real simple trick that Kiki learned almost immediately. She has to shake the bell a couple of times and land back to the ground properly and not toppling it. I’ve only demo in front of her once, then later whenever I cued for bell, she’s able to pick that up and shake for a few times before letting go. I really enjoy seeing her doing that. I was wondering getting her to perform to my friends during our Christmas events. Who knows she might end up getting a couples of Xmas “Candies” from my friends? *Haha*
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird
After letting Kiki exposed to so many advance and difficult tricks, I’ve decided to take a step backwards in teaching Kiki something relatively simple and straightforward. I introduced to her a simple trick called Through The Hoop Trick. It’s a really simple trick that Kiki took only a couple of minutes to understand and master it. It’s a simple trick and anyone can try (including you, the fans of Bryan’s Angels and Kiki, of course) training your birds, and all is needed is just a Hoop. A hoop that is just big enough for your bird to go through. As for me, I couldn’t find a decent hoop in the market for Kiki, so I ended up DIY a customized hoop for Kiki using plastic coated metal wires from hardware store.
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird
On my previous post, I’ve covered that Kiki is learning The Shell Game Trick. She’s now progressing fairly well. I’m really lucky that my brother was around and he assisted me capturing Kiki during training. I’m here to present you the latest video of Kiki performing a chained trick – Kiki’s Open & Fetch Trick. In fact to be correct, it’s not really a complete trick but just a component of segment in The Shell Game Trick that Kiki was learning since last Sunday. The Youtube video that I’m sharing, featuring Kiki opening the pink shell upon cue and fetch the red lego brick hidden within the pink shell.
As I said earlier on, it’s a chained trick which comprised of two behaviors that Kiki had learned earlier on: The Retrieve Trick (Fetch Command) and The Opening Shell Trick (Open Command). Kiki has totally no problem in executing the retrieval of the red lego brick, as she has performed the fetching trick of his favorite yellow lego brick. With the target stick introduced during Target Training, Kiki was able to accept the red lego brick almost immediately, and this further shorten the time spent in introducing new props. My primary concern in the Open & Fetch Trick was to let Kiki understand the concept of opening the pink shell.
Introducing of the pink shell was fairly straightforward and easy for Kiki with the presence of the target stick. I have to do a few demos in front of Kiki on how I open the pink shell (without the presence of the lego brick). After a couple of times of guiding the motion with Kiki, on the opening of the pink shell, she soon understand the concept and gradually improved in her technique. What I can say about Kiki, she’s really smart and a fast learner. She amazingly surprises me of mastering this trick component within 30 minutes. That’s an achievement! Well done Kiki!
Kiki open the pink shell and retrieve the red lego brick…
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Tags: Agapornis, Bird, Bird Training, Bird Tricks, Bird Video, Companion Parrot, Kiki, Lovebirds, Parrot, Parrot Training, Parrot Tricks, Pet Bird